Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kids Tap Dance

February is the month of love. It even includes an entire day that is set aside simply for the purpose of making grand gestures of romance and love. Valentine’s Day has been around for centuries.

One story of the origin of Valentine’s Day dates back to the 3rd century AD. Father Valentine, a Roman priest, defied what he believed was an unjust law of his day that forbade marriage and secretly married young lovers. For this he was sentenced to death, was martyred two centuries later and became one of the most popular saints of France and Italy.


This thing called love receives more and more notice in most every area of life. Spiritual traditions have long claimed love to be at the core of healing and happiness. Philosophers have written of three types of love called eros, agape and philia. Medical research has produced scientific findings that love improves our health – it changes us on a cellular level, enhances our immune and cardiovascular systems, and increases our endorphins. A recent Oprah show highlighted a group of middle aged women who attributed their vitality and success to doing what they love. And the Law of Attraction that is rapidly gaining attention identifies love as a high energy emotion that transforms not only the “lover” but those near and far. As well it has the greatest attraction power of any energy.


Since this is February want to talk about the love celebrated in February, love that is distinguished by the “Big R word” - Romance. As I write this that I don’t hear or read very much anymore about romance, except for a week or two around Valentine’s Day. I think something is amiss. Who doesn’t, if you are truly honest with yourself, desire more romance in life?

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